Thursday 5 March 2009

Gran Torino

I have an admission to make, (unfortunately there will be more, but we'll save them) I have never seen a Clint Eastwood movie. I haven't seen Rawhide, Kelly's Hero, Where Eagles Dare or Dirty Harry, nor have I seen The Bridges of Madison County, Space Cowboys, or Million Dollar Baby. Which, as my better half might say, equates to a massive fail!

Accutally that statement is no longer entirely true I hadn't seen a Clint Eastwood movie until last Wednesday, when I entered into a new phase in my movie education and headed off to see Gran Torino. This is Eastwood's latest offering as a Director/Actor. It is based in a Michigan neighborhood and focuses on the life of Walt Kowalski, a retired automobile assembly line worker for American Ford, who served in the Korean war, brought up two sons, and has recently lost his wife Dorothy.

The film opens at Dorothy's funeral where the audience are introduced to Walt's two grown up sons and their families, none of whom seem to understand Walt or his values. Equally Father Janovich, Dorothy's Preist, who gives the eulogy, is eager to connect with Walt now he is seemingly alone but does not understand the war veteran's perspective on the world. As the scene moves to the wake the audience get further evidence of Walt's disconnection from those around him, though more and more we also see how much of this distance is created by the man himself. He growls at his grandchildren and is as unable to find common ground with his sons as they are able to do so with him.

The audience also learn that Walt's neighborhood has been almost entirely populated by Asian people of Hmong decent and Walt finds himself a lone white man living in an alien, and to him hostile, environment. His experiences in Korea have given him, definite and set opinions of the people he now shares his community with and he is not about to change his views in a hurry.

Walt's next door neighbours are a Hmong family, grandmother, mother and two siblings and brother, Thao,  and sister, Sue. The family are a typical Hmong family with strong community ties. Thao is a quite boy and keeps himself to himself until his older cousin tries to get him to join his gang. The gang bully Thao and we see him on the edge of a slippery slope towards a life of crime. Eventually Thao's bubbling discontent at his cousin's bulling lead to a confrontation outside the house between the gang and the family. This looks set to end badly until Walt hearing the comotion steps in. He may not been a fan of his neighbours but he isn't going to allow bullies on his patch no matter who they are targeting. 

After this turning point in the film a slow burning build up of friendship between Walt and his neighbours begins to develop. We see Walt realise that the people he previously knew nothing about have a respectful culture in which he feels far more comfortable than has done for a long time. However the Hmong's aren't immune from the evils in society, and there are on-going confrontations with the darker elements, the gangs of the communities, which crushendos towards the films conclusion. 

There are a variety of observations and ideas portraed in this film, all of which tie together and give the viewer a picture a view of our changing times, for a perspective that while not entirely new is never the less well portrayed and meaningful. This is a film about people and relationships and for the most part the characters are strong, well develpoed and well acted, an achievement for a mostly unknown cast. The only fault I would draw is with Walt's son's and theri respective families. They are presented in a characturishly manner and whilst one of the sons appears at points through out the film to back up the films ideas, the other sons is only featured in the first scene. This character therefore seemed a little unecissary. 

The film is paced extremly well, and has some wonderfully played moments of intense drama, and some perfect comedy moment, brining balance throughout. The conclusion is well played with balance and care, it is an tempered but emotional peice of cinema, which leaves a strong and powerful impression. 

So far sor me one of the tope movies of the year and an absolute must see. 

Monday 2 March 2009

Evan Almighty

Well here I am again, I am afraid I have been away for a couple of weeks, so whilst I have seen a lot of tantalising trailers Stateside, I have not been to the cinema in a while. I did however make good use of the local DVD rental store, plus the in-flight entertainment whilst on my travels. So if you will be so kind as to indulge me I shall talk a little about some older films and what I made of them. 

The first of the films I saw was Evan Almighty. I was a fan of the first film in this duo, Bruce Almighty, which starred Jim Carey in the humorous lead role, and made the most of his energy and physical comedy. I was courious about where they could take the idea next, Evan Almighty has similar themes, and sees Morgan freeman reprise his role as God, however the comparisons really don't go much further, except in the fact that this is another enjoyable piece of family entertainment. 

The casting of Evan Almighty is well thought through and works beautifully. I was a little dubious about Steve Carell in the lead Role as our eponymous hero. Carell is best known for his parts in more adult centric humor, he has recently played Micheal Scott in the U.S. version of The Office. However he has provide the voice for a number of animated characters in children's films and his physical style of comedy much like Carey's in the previous film fitted the story well. Morgan Freeman's return as God is particularly enjoyable, he portrays a wisdom and dignity whilst still being a mischievous and fun character. Other recognisable faces include Lauren Graham as Evan's wife Joan, John Goodman as the loathable baddie Congressman Long, Wanda Sykes and John Micheal Higgins as Evan's PA and his assistant, and Johna Hill as the fawning office new boy. Everyone of the supporting members of cast keeps the pace and the tempo of the comedy running at a smooth pace throughout. 

The film begins with Evan leaving his old small town life and moving to Washington to fill his role as a newly appointed congressman. From the outset viewers see his character as shallow and self absorbed. When Even kneels to pray the night before he begins his new role little does he expect that the Lord will listen to his prayers let alone answer them so literally. 

As his first week progresses strange things begin to occur in Evan's life, culminating in God appearing to him and telling him he is to build an ARK. Despite evidence of God's power and the fact that he isn't going to get out of this Evan fights his task at every turn. Eventually as in any feel good movie though Evan comes good, learns his lessons and becomes a better person, not before coming across a number of hilarious pitfall along the way though. 

This is simply a fun family movie with a lots of laughs and little to offend. I am glad I finally got round to seeing it, if you haven't already then give it a go.